Sunday, May 06, 2007

A Thousand Year LIght Going Out

A thousand years ago the Western Roman Empire was well and truly dead and gone. It was self-destroyed beneath waves of barbarians, its own weight and its unwillingness to let go of the residual errors of the pagan world-view and of reliance on slave-labor in "efficient" substitution for the family farms of earlier days.

Yet, at that time new lights and a new civilization were being lit throughout Western Europe, first in monasteries, then in the exploding number of Catholic-Christian (There were no others) universities. The light carrying travels of scholars was followed by the goods transporters of the merchants, ancestors of the free-enterprise system which has enriched more people in less time than any looting armies of barbarians.

Soon after that came the first efforts at resisting the horrid teachings and acts of Islamic aggressors which, if they failed in the Holy Land, certainly succeeded in Southern France, Iberia, the borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the gates of Vienna, the bay of Lepanto, in Greece and other and diverse places.

Those battles with Islam overlapped the battles with other forms of ignorance in the worlds of philosophy, science, geography, music and art all leading to the age of exploration without the physical boundaries of Europe and the boundaries of prior and stilted arts, invention and such political thought as the suppression of tyrannies and the roots of democracy..

Europe and its citizens blazed with a most humane glory!

Yet, the light of Europe is now dimming and may go out. Why? I offer the following and possible reasons.

Europe and its collective culture has lost sight of the fact that its civilization is based on the radiant hopes of a forward looking Catholic-Christianity and has replaced that with the culture, if that is the word, of immediate gratification without regard to history or the future. Its universities have forgotten that their strongest roots are deeply buried in that Faith and in the reason and logic St. Thomas, St. Albert and others developed---Trading all of that for the "political correctness" of each day's pseudo-intellectuals who attempt to destroy any views (Or even questions or questioners) they view as varying from their, for the moment, view of what is true. These attacks on rational thought have now even spread to the world of science where they should not even be considered.

Political progress has been drowned under waves, not of barbarians with swords, but bureaucrats with undemocratic rules and regulations AND with piles of forms: Such non-servants of the public allowing no questioning of their often self-proclaimed authority. The corruption of political leaders, so divorced from the People, is also a well known factor in public disservice.

The removal of power and authority from the People and its concentration in the hands of the wealthy has been an ongoing threat to real civilization for all times. That movement is demonstrated by such examples as the EU's attempts to go around the defeat of its proposed Constitution (Which ignored the Faith base to its culture), the substitution of administrative-bureaucratic rules for laws passed by the People's elected representatives, limiting free speech and press (Even if a means of foolish expression), destruction of the culture of the small and family owned-and-operated farms in the name of "efficiency" and, according to some, restrictions on the private ownership of effective weapons as a basis of potential limiting of abusive governments.

The will to resist the criminal-terrorist ideology of Islam has all but been extinguished in Europe. Today's Europeans are so lacking in an understanding of the history of that threat that all of the sacrifices of so many of their ancestors have been wasted and they will be condemned to repeat a history of Islamic conquest as is already becoming evident in France, Spain and Londonistan.

To the citizens of such nations as the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand I suggest that you carefully look about you for the same signs of impending destruction of thought, freedom, opportunity and, most of all, the one true civilization---Which WAS that founded in Western Europe.

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