Wednesday, May 23, 2007

"Illegals" Good For Business

Yes, illegal immigrants are good for business! Why, without them many would be out-of-work. Some examples of such are those Funeral directors and grave yard laborers who must facilitate the burial of such as Kenosha County's Deputy Sheriff Fabiano (Being buried today) and the many others murdered by illegals; Those who build and staff state and federal prisons to house the many, many, thousands of such economically helpful invaders of the USA; The social service, public schools and health care workers who would be forced to spend their time and other resources on only our citizens and the few legal in comers who really require them; Those who arrange for the transfer of many millions of US dollars to other nations, a actions so helpful to our balance-of-payments; Lobbyists and others working for the very few mega-agriculturalists, hotel owners and others who benefit from cheap labor; And, others of the same, very specialized, interest in NOT preventing drug smugglers, terrorists, identity thieves, bearers of untreatable diseases, job thieves, gang bangers and the like from flooding across our border with Mexico.

Of course, we could first and fully secure our Southern border, then (And, only then) set up a guest worker program and other changes in our immigration laws.

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