Monday, June 22, 2020

The USA's Present State-of-War

It is now the exact case that a small minority of Americans are waging violent war against the USA. That is, in accordance with the Constitution of our Republic, TREASON which can be punished by death.

As those critters are waging war AND have placed themselves beyond the protections of civil law, the only proper response must be the application of deadly military actions as will “liquidate” those traitors now in a state-of-rebellion to destroy the essential AND exceptional nature of our United States. This war is no less dangerous to our land than was the rebellion and violent acts-of-war inflicted by the Southern States in the 1860s.

It is, most certainly, the case that our Federal, State and local governments are not willing to protect The Republic and its People by the use of appropriate AND effective (ie Deadly) force.

Therefore, it is the right-and-duty of real Americans to do so as vigilant private citizens, privately raised units of the posse comitatus or of “vigilantes” and ad-hoc militia units—All beyond the now ineffective powers of mayors, sheriffs and governors.

Sniper fire, against rebellious individuals and, private, volley-fire against mobs of such targets is recommended. If, and only if, any of those traitors are taken alive, The People can either turn them over to civil authorities for trial by our courts or turn them over to regular units of our armed forces for trial by (Field) courts martial or hang them from trees or lamp-posts.

[As the anti-gun and Fascist Jihad against the rights which should be protected has not been effective in limiting crime and the cited rebellion, it is now necessary for allowing The People ready access to modern and effective firearms which will allow them to suppress the current, epidemic, crime and that rebellion.]


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