Monday, June 08, 2020

The New Hunting Available To Americans

Some advocates for those who go out to hunt deer and other game have decried the shrinking of areas which allow such sport (I have not, in the past, been moved to involve myself in such activities.)

However, it appears that some new areas for much more exciting hunting will soon be available to many Americans.

Those new hunting grounds will be those cities which abolish armed and responsive police officers and their departments.

The preferred game will be those critters now inflicting, by mob or individual actions, murder, arson, looting-and-robbery and other, like, crimes on our, law-abiding, fellow Americans.

Why, there will be neither limits to the number of such animals killed nor licence fees to perform such hunting (ie Until revenue hungry politicians "catch on").

Even in my old age, the above-cited new hunting opportunities might well draw me out of my senior center and head to the nearest (eg Minneapolis) and new hunting area.

                                      Happy hunting!

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