Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Effective Control Of US Border

It is NOT sufficient to merely order units of the National Guard to the border. They must be given "general orders" as will allow them to protect the USA. I suggest the following.

1. All persons entering the USA at other than approved places, manned by the Border Patrol, are invaders.
2. All such persons are to immediately be forced back across the border by use of such force as is required to do so.
3. Any such persons who are armed are to be immediately fired upon and that without warning.
4. If the Border Patrol or the Armed Forces of the USA (Or, civilians under their protection) are fired upon from across our border, the Border Patrol and the Armed Forces will react to such attacks by small arms fire, field guns or aviation delivered ordinance.
5. The National Guard, Army and, if necessary, the General Militia shall support the emplacement of not less than six coils of "razor ribbon" (aka "Barbed Tape")
for the full length of the fence to be completed along the Southern Border of the USA.

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