Friday, November 16, 2007

The Murder Of Innocents

There is no doubt that the Church is opposed to abortion as it is the murder of innocents and, therefore, opposed to those who perform such crimes or support them as evil and such persons as support that crime as evil to the extent they will not change. Yet, I do not read or hear the same level of concern, from the USA's Bishops or the Holy See, as to the loyal followers of Mohammed who have, for 1400-years, committed the murder after murder of innocents in every part of the world touched by Islam---In this day most noticeably in the Darfur region of the Sudan.

If the Church is considering the discipline (Withholding of the Sacrament and public condemnation) of politicians who claim to be its members and do not condemn abortion, why do our Bishops and the Holy See not apply the same standards to those "Catholic" politicians who will not condemn the horrid and unchangeable teachings of the Koran (Please see below) which have been basic to the murder of so many innocents?


* verses which preach cruelty, incite violence and disturb public tranquility (i.e., 2:193; 8:39; 2:216; 9:41; 9:123; 66:9; 9:73; 8:65; 8:66; 47:4—15; 8:12; 69:30—33; 8:15—18; 25:52; 9:39; 9:111; 3: 169—171; 4:100; 48:29; 49:15; 2:154; 3:157—158; 8:59—60; 9:2—3; 9:29; 8:67; 4:84; 29:6; 29:69; 61:9—13; 9:36; 9:5; 9:14; 9:20—22; 4:95—96; 8:72—74; 3:142)
* verses which promote, on grounds of religion, feelings of enmity, hatred and ill-will between different religious communities (i.e., 4:101; 60:4; 58:23; 9:7; 8:13—14; 8:55; 25:55; 5:72; 9:23; 9:28; 3:28; 3:118; 4:144; 5:14; 5:64; 5:18; 5:51)
* verses which insult other religions as well as the religious beliefs of other communities (i.e., 5:17; 4:157; 5:116—118; 98:6; 68:8—13; 38:55—57; 22:19—21; 22:56—57; 5:36; 15:2; 72:14—15;41:33; 4:125; 25:27—29; 26:96—99; 3:85; 8:38; 31:13; 29:41—42; 37:22—25; 37:26—32; 25:17—19; 7:173; 21:66—67; 21:98—100; 16:20—21; 6:22—23; 6:40—41; 6:148; 2;221; 24:3)

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