Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Mass Incarceration, Alternatives & Vicitms

I am a veteran (Survivor?) of a 34-year, professional, career with Wisconsin's Department Of Corrections I was very interested in your offering, cited above, as to "Mass Incarceration".

I must wonder if those objecting to "Mass Incarceration" have considered the following:
1. The large number of persons in our prisons are there in accordance with the democratically enacted laws of Wisconsin as reflect the will of those law-abiding citizens who have elected the other members of the Legislature and that over many years and during the majorities of both Parties;
2. The vast majority of those convicts have had opportunities (eg By probation or parole or NGOs-services) to avoid incarceration;
3. The "mass" of such offenders commit serious crimes and them frequently repeated  AND as cause untold misery to our fellow Americans;
4. As some note the dollar costs of confining such dangerous critters, everyone should remember the costs of such offenders to: Our police, court, psychological/medical services, insurance companies AND, most importantly, the innocent victims of those thugs.

Of course, some might maintain that the most effective means of preventing incarceration (Of dangerous criminals) is by: "Two to the chest and one to the head"; Or, "a double tap to the head"; Or, four-inches with the point, twist and rapidly repeat. Of course, this requires a courageous, well-armed, law-abiding (And legally presumed sane) citizenry who will take immediate-and-effective actions (Especially during those "Golden Minutes" waiting for police arrival-and-action---If, and only if, they are able to summon them) against thugs AND be awarded and not persecuted by civil authorities for doing so. 

Of course, too many have ignored the fact that such citizens have been saved from great harm, by such use (ie Often the "mere" display) of guns at a rate up to 80-times the harm caused by the criminal misuse of firearms.


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