1. The documented fact that Black thugs select our, on the basic of race, Whites for their criminal attacks at a rate many, many, times the reverse---Which is a very gross, racist, hatred of Whites; And,
2. The ideological hatred of those (Often on university/college campuses) who express their hatred of those who disagree with them by such, Fascist, means: As "ringing bells" or shouting-down/speaking-over those who are attempting to exercise constitutional, free-speech, rights (eg As a form of academic-freedom); Inflicting serious injuries by very criminal acts (eg As recently demonstrated st UC-Berkeley); Threats, of physical violence as provide a "clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm" as offered by such groups as AntiFa [Whose storm-troopers seem to avoid such places as Texas and Wisconsin where law-abiding (And legally presumed sane) citizens hold thousands of permits/licences to carry concealed weapons].
That hatred also-and-clearly extends to: Such as Maxine Waters who has, very directly, called for potentially dangerous harassment of those who are against her views---A call which has been followed by various scum-critters; And, those orthodox-and-murderous Muslims who hate all individuals, groups, organization, true-religions and nations which resist their horrid teachings and the, also, horrid actions they inflict on the World---For the last 1400-years and to this day.
REFERENCE: <http://crusaderknight.
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