Sunday, March 17, 2019

Hate, Disadvantages & Free Speech

In recent months there has been very much spoken and written about, in the USA and other places, an increase in "Hate Crimes" or "Hate Speech" as specially directed towards Jews and Muslims.

First-and-foremost, any speech (In public forums) within the USA is protected by the first article of The Bill Of Rights. ("Hate speech" may be considered as motivation in criminal or civil cases where there were attacks-against or injuries-inflicted on others.) Neither the courts nor such bodies as  public universities or other like organizations have the authority to suppress any (Even "hate") speech---Ever as vomited-out by those persons who are so ignorant or discourteous to foul the world and their minds and spirits with such speech.

Secondly, "hate" does not include appropriate disgust or reasoned distrust OR statements-of-fact.

Hate also poisons the body of the hateful person and may result in (Deserved?) physical problems as indigestion, gross stress on the heart and other self-harms.

Hate is an illicit passion. It also interferes with such licit actions as the controlled-and-accurate aiming and firing of modern-and-effective firearms against those tyrants who inflict or attempt to inflict their hate against (Legally) innocent persons by acts as "present a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm"---OR the rationally perceived danger of that condition.

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