Monday, March 25, 2019

I Was A Democrat

I was a Democrat in the days of such great-and-honest men as Democrats President Harry Truman and Member of Congress Clement Zablocki. For only that reason I listened to the February 25, 2017"Victory Speech" of Mr. Tom Perez, the new Chairman of the DNC. I had hoped that Democrats would return to the reasoned policies and practices of such honest men as cited above. That would help bring all Americans back together from some extremists in the GOP and the "far out" drive of the Democratic (sic) Party' "leadership" to leave behind our ConstitutionThe Bill Of Rights and our "exceptionalism" as based on the best principles of Western Civilization (In turn based on the best of Judeo-Christian teachings and evolving away from earlier primitive practices).

I am sorry to report that I heard a speech as out-of-contact with reality as the "Victory Speeches" ranted-out by Adolf Hitler as the shells from Soviet cannon were hitting Berlin. Mr. Perez' speech had the same qualities of hysteria and pathological divorce from reality as did his earlier, hopefully unintentional, model.

He even, while calling for his Party's efforts in winning State elections, did not dare to admit that the GOP has steadily been winning control of State Houses and State Legislature against the efforts of a Party moving so far from traditional American values as to be in another universe, "far, far, away".

The Democrats elected (By mob acclamation) Keith Ellison-Muhammed as "Deputy DNC Chair". That Islamist has, as far as I know, never rejected-and-condemned the horrid, anti-civilization and unalterable teachings of Islam as command "perpetual war" (Jihad) against all "unbelievers" (99% of our fellow Americans) and allows or encourages or commands the use of murder, rape, torture, genocide, banditry and other horrors by those waging Jihad.

They would have done better to place Jabba The Hutt in that "Deputy Chair" position---Or, in the primary Chair.

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