Saturday, February 02, 2019

"Toxic Masculinity" & The APA

Some years ago I defined "Femininity" as the distilled essence of the best of what separates women from men. That quality is not an aspect of sexuality or physical beauty. (One of the most "feminine" woman I knew of was the actress Helen Hayes---In her later years. I have known very young girls who were very feminine well before becoming, physical, women.)

Then, what is "Masculinity"?  As a male I find that harder to define---Without being accused of
self-description or self-inflation.

Perhaps, it is that, greater, willingness to be very forward in risking blood, suffering, limbs and life to protect family, friends, nation and what is otherwise held precious. (Yes, there are females who do so by, for example, police, firefighter and military service; But, they do not seem to stay in those good works for even a small part of the years which males commit to such service.)

Of course, that willingness can be perverted by the influence of tyrannical or insane leaders (Such as
Hitler, Stalin or others of that ilk). For the most part the soldiers of those horrid creatures were more loyal to their comrades-in-arms than to any such mis-leaders (Which characteristic may be much more common to real men than to others).

Why does the American Psychological Association and so many other postulate "Toxic Masculinity" as a clinical-disorder or social-fault or, even, a sin-like disorder?

I will be non-diplomatic (ie "Snarky") and state that those persons are either biological males who are not masculine or biological-females who are, in the common speech, "castrating bitches." or "butches".


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