Saturday, February 09, 2019

Islam & Science Today

A very long time ago there were two "Golden Ages" in Muslim ruled lands as chiefly were in the Iberian peninsula and centered about Baghdad. During those too short years Muslims did:
1. Take in and share with the West that scientific and other knowledge that existed in India, Greece, Egypt and other Pre-Islamic lands; And,
2. Both improved some of that learning and added to it.

However, the ultra-orthodox theologians of Islam found much of that new knowledge as a threat to the teachings-and-commands of Mohammed (Of Mecca & Medina) and, through orthodox rulers, suppressed such "seeking" as would now be called "research".

With the exception of the products of weapons technology and, for the rules, Western medicine, that distrust and dislike (Hate?) of study outside of the Koran, Hadith and some limited-and-derivative sources still continues as well-and-exactly exampled by:
3. Muslims' murder of Western medical staff bring Polio vaccine for the children in Afghanistan; And,
4. The massacre, by Boko Haram, of technical school students for studying "Western Knowledge". [Those monsters also followed Islamic permission, for those waging Jihad, and kidnapped young girls and "Sexually Used" (ie Raped) them.]

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