Thursday, February 14, 2019

Speaker Pelosi Education RE: Guns

Someone please instruct Speaker Pelosi that there is no "Gun Crime" or "Knife Crime" or "Blunt Object Crime" or "Firebomb Crime" or "Fist & Boot Crime". There is only "PEOPLE CRIME".

As to those PEOPLE, please instruct her that the majority of crimes committed with firearms are inflicted on our fellow Americans by members or supporters or client-beneficiaries (ie That majority of Blacks who vote for that Party and illegal immigrants who commit a very high and disproportional share of violent crimes in the USA) of the Democratic (sic) Party.

Please also instruct her that the number of Americans save from murder/rape/other-violent crimes by the use (Often the "mere" display) of firearms is several to very many times the harm caused by the illegal use of guns. 

Please also instruct her that the chief concern of the Patriot Founders of our Republic (And very many of today's, often legally armed, Americans), as to arms, was insuring a well armed citizenry capable of resisting the tyranny of our own governments---Especially those who would, like Pelosi (And her co-actors), inflict the disarming of our law-abiding (Legally presumed sane) good citizens.

Of course, such instruction may not be useful as Ms. Pelosi's pathological lust for, tyrannical, power makes her ineducable. 

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