Monday, February 11, 2019

Congress, Muslims & Treason

The Congress now has four Members who are members-and-followers of the criminal-terrorist ideology known as Islam. The below offers my position that being someone who supports that ideology is guilty of TREASON and must be excluded from The Congress.

Supporting Islam = Treason (#2)

I have elected to apply the "KISS Principle" to this matter.
1. Treason, under our 
Constitution, is limited to waging war against the USA (Which includes adhering-to or supporting those who are active in such acts).
2. Islam has been in a state of self-declared war against all non-Muslims for 1400-years.
3. Islam requires all of its adult male members to either be personally involved in such warfare
Jihad) or to "support it with all their wealth".
4, Much (Most?) of all contributions to "Islamic Charities" ends up, as the 
Koran commands in the hands of terrorists whose program includes attacks on the USA.
5. No believing Muslim will publicly condemn or deny those parts of the 
Koran or other Islamic teachings which call for such wars---Including against the non-Muslim citizens of and lawful visitors to the USA.
Muslims' murderous attacks, in the name of Jihad, against the USA (And its citizens and allies) have been ongoing, as acts-of-war, both within and without the USA. Those acts are "Treason". Those who support them (By words, moneys and acts) are also guilty of "Treason".

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Exclusion From The House Of Representatives

In 1919 AD the House Of Representatives refused to “seat” Congressman Elect Victor Berger of Wisconsin's Seventh District apparently because: Mr. Berger was honestly an honest Socialist (Of the variety called “Sewer Socialists” who were much more interested in protecting the health and well being of the People than in an “theoretical” socialism); And, in response to violent acts by union members and socialists in other parts of the USA, which had little, if anything, to do with Mr. Berger.

My recollection of contemporary press reports were the considerable number of claims that allowing Socialists a role in government would result in: Murder and mass-murder in the streets; The disease of “free love” being rampant throughout the nation; The sexual abuse of little girls; Overthrown of our democratic systems of laws and government; Destruction of the Middle Class in this nation, that part of our population seen as the bulwark of our land; And, of everything which makes Western Civilization the mainstay of our world.

The not-seating of Mr. Berger did not appear to stop “free love”, murder and serial mass-murder and various forms of sexual abuse of children. Our subsequent, especially of late, Administrations have made considerable progress in abolishing the Middle Class and weakening those standards and institutions which support Western Civilization.
Strangely enough, the Congress has seated two persons who subscribe to a 1400-plus year old, medieval, criminal-terrorist ideology-or-movement which does, in fact, use murder, rape and enslavement, genocide, perpetual-and-violent military-level actions (ie “Declared War), lying and organized theft and lying to accomplish its very anti-democracy goals being: The destruction or near suppression of all ideologies other than itself and of all religions; Rule of all nations by only Muslims; Replacement of all legal systems other than Sharia; Subjection of all women and all non-Muslims to the will of male Muslim; And, the other horrors of that Nazi like movement.

The 1919 Congress saw even Mr. Berger's brand of Socialism as a clear-and-present danger, That position might, without “20/20 hindsight”, be considered not unreasonable considering the concurrent and bloody revolutions occurring in such newsworthy places as Russia and Germany. Even without that “clarity of vision” as demonstrated by such leftists as Adolph Hitler, J. I. Stalin, Mao and others of that ilk.

It appears that the case of "Powell v. McCormack, 395 US 486 (1969) would probably prevent such removal today. However, as the Supreme Court no longer holds fast to the rulings of prior courts, I could be wrong.

With our much better knowledge of history (If we use it as, to paraphrase: “Those who do not study history, learn from history and apply those lessons will be condemned to repeat its worst lessons”) and what should be our better knowledge of the goals-and-means of Islam, we should wonder at why the current Congress and those of future terms should seat any Muslims---Who do not, publicly and fully, deny those horrid and perpetual Islamic goals and means.

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