Thursday, September 24, 2009

Questtions Regarding Natural Law

As to "Natural Law", I have read a little on this subject; But, do not get clear answers from the Church or others as to most of those listed below.
1. Does Natural Law (NL) provide a full right for the innocent to defend themselves against criminal attacks, including the use of deadly force to prevent death or great bodily harm?
2. Does NL require or encourage the protection of other innocents against such attacks?
3. Does NL require such defending persons to have ready access to the means (In this time modern and effective firearms) when the civil authorities are unable (Or, unwilling) to immediately (ie "When criminal attacks are in progress or only seconds away, the police are minutes, or hours, away") protect the innocent against criminal attackers?
4. Does NL allow the use of deadly force to protect the means of life (eg Crops, or any product of honest labor) when no authority will do so in a timely manner?

On a larger scale the Church and others provide food, medications and other like aid to the Christian and Pagan peoples of the Darfur region of the Sudan. Yet, those people cannot use these gifts in peace as the Islamic irregulars, very strongly supported by the Islamic government of the Sudan, kills, maims, rapes and steals from these non-Muslim victims.
Neither the Sudanese government nor inter-national bodies will protect these peoples.

Does NL suggest that these charities should make their gifts meaningful by supplying them with the means (AK-47s; light anti-armor and anti-aircraft rockets) and military cadres to train them to defend themselves as no one else seems to be willing and able to do so?

I doubt that the Christ meant his People to have the "Peace Of Desolation".


Book Of Note: Webster, Alexander PhD. & Cole, Darell, PhD.; The Virtue Of War.

Blog: Crusader Knight
Post: The Church, Guns & Self-Defense

Blog: Crusader Knight
Post: When Talk Fails

Blog: Crusader Knight
Post: A Human Life Concern Ignored

Blog: Crusader Knight
Post: Property = Life & May Be Defended

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