Sunday, March 04, 2007

Reformation OR Revolution ?

At the time of Martin Luther the Catholic Church had become very, very, corrupt. Notwithstanding the many fine people in that very international organization who led moral lives, some of whom recognized the corruption problem and made efforts to correct it, there were too many who preferred to be "cozy" with the "powers that be", the sources of wealth-and-power or misused the law of that time to oppress others and to increase corruption.

A great part of the contributions of the Faithful were diverted into the pockets of those evil persons.

This, as our history books, tell us, lead to the "Reformation" and "Counter-Reformation", along with bloody wars and the destruction of the Faith of the People in what had been the core values and organization of their ancestors and own lives.

The People of the USA are well towards losing Faith in their governments and in those in power in or about them. They see open corruption in state capitols, city halls and Washington, DC. They know there is much more corruption just or well out of sight. Open "contributions" will buy approval for gambling casinos, open border practices-and-policies (To the harm of the poorest in this nation), highway building and military contracts, immunity from the need to bid on government contracts for the purchase of pharmaceuticals and too many other example to list here.

Much of our tax moneys are diverted into the pockets of evil persons.

The Faith of the People in democracy as a core value in their lives and world is fading.

The choices for those in power are clear: They can either reform themselves and our governments or have reformation imposed and inflicted upon them---Perhaps by "fire and sword". Perhaps that is why so many "liberals" oppose the rights of the People to keep and bear arms. On the other hand "conservatives" appear to be of the opinion that the People are "harmless": So did those ultimate conservatives King George III and Lord North. (We know better!)

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