Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Standing Orders To Protect The USA

In order to fulfill his oath-of-office as to defending the USA, the President should (Must?) issue the following standing orders to all Border Patrol members and military (Regulars, National Guard and, if ever used, the "General Militia") within one mile of our border with Mexico.
1. Unarmed persons illegally entering the USA are to be
immediately returned across that border using such
force as is necessary to to so.
2. Armed persons crossing our border are to be fired upon
without warning as invaders.
3. Any attacks from across that border are to be resisted and
the attackers destroyed.

I do not believe, based on the evidence before us, that any lesser directions will protect the USA from drug smugglers, members of
very dangerous Latino gangs (Many of whom previously deported), potential terrorists, bearers of untreatable and contagious diseases (eg Drug resistant TB), identity thieves, Pancho Villa style raiders and the other criminals now flooding across that border.

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