Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Testing Canada's Human Rights Commissions

As a citizen of the USA I have been following the "progress" of Canada's "Human Rights Commissions" and do have the following questions:
1. Must complaints to that commission be filed by Canadian Citizens or legal residents;
2. Could a "mere" visitor to Canada file such complaints; And,
3. Should someone file such a complaint against all publishers, importers, sellers, public holders (eg Public Libraries), teachers (Including University professors, Imams, Mullahs) who sell or transfer or use the Koran in business transactions or public discourse?

It appears that the Koran has sufficient "hate content" (Please see the references below) to warrant a prima facie case which would warrant a full and public hearing.

I do wonder what would occur if, on the same day, such complaints were concurrently filed in every Canadian city. [In truth, I would hope that your Courts or Parliament would declare the free speech and free press rights of Canadian citizens to be of greater force and value than the actions of those commissions in all areas.]


* verses which preach cruelty, incite violence and disturb public tranquility (i.e., 2:193; 8:39; 2:216; 9:41; 9:123; 66:9; 9:73; 8:65; 8:66; 47:4—15; 8:12; 69:30—33; 8:15—18; 25:52; 9:39; 9:111; 3: 169—171; 4:100; 48:29; 49:15; 2:154; 3:157—158; 8:59—60; 9:2—3; 9:29; 8:67; 4:84; 29:6; 29:69; 61:9—13; 9:36; 9:5; 9:14; 9:20—22; 4:95—96; 8:72—74; 3:142)
* verses which promote, on grounds of religion, feelings of enmity, hatred and ill-will between different religious communities (i.e., 4:101; 60:4; 58:23; 9:7; 8:13—14; 8:55; 25:55; 5:72; 9:23; 9:28; 3:28; 3:118; 4:144; 5:14; 5:64; 5:18; 5:51)
* verses which insult other religions as well as the religious beliefs of other communities (i.e., 5:17; 4:157; 5:116—118; 98:6; 68:8—13; 38:55—57; 22:19—21; 22:56—57; 5:36; 15:2; 72:14—15;41:33; 4:125; 25:27—29; 26:96—99; 3:85; 8:38; 31:13; 29:41—42; 37:22—25; 37:26—32; 25:17—19; 7:173; 21:66—67; 21:98—100; 16:20—21; 6:22—23; 6:40—41; 6:148; 2;221; 24:3)

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