Friday, July 17, 2020

What If The Police Do Not Respond?

First, please note that I live in a State which still protects the rights, under the Second Amendment to our Republic's Constitution, to "keep and bear arms"---As is not the case in such places as "The People's Republic of California" (And like Illinois and New York State).

Many public persons (eg FOX New's Sean Hannity) and President Trump's TV advertisements have "asked, "What will you do if the police do not respond to calls (ie Regarding crimes-in-progress which "Present A Clear-And-Present Danger Of Death Or Great Bodily Harm To Others")?

In the unlikely case, in my urban location and in Wisconsin, I would then call my city's "Sanitation Department" and ask them to remove from my residence one-or-more lumps of lead (And probably illegal drug) contaminated GARBAGE.

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