Thursday, April 18, 2019

Burning Down Western Civilization

The burning down of the Notre Dame cathedral is a great loss to all civilized humans.  Lacking in the reports and commentaries about that disaster are:
1. The fact that other churches in France have been desecrated by physical damage and such other attacks as the throat-cutting murder (By an Islamist waging Jihad) of an aged priest while he was celebrated the Mass; 
2. The symbolism of those events as to the ongoing destruction of Christianity in Europe (And very many other  places) by aggressive Atheists (As supported by France's equally aggressive, mandated, secularism), governments' "submission" to Muslims and the grossly illicit misconduct of too many Catholic bishops (And others in authority in The Church); And,
3. That Western Christianity is the base and root-source of that Western Civilization which has:
a. Invented, developed and fed all real universities which, in turn, have provided all humans with those advances in science which have made our lives other than the earlier "dark, dirty and short" as is most common in areas outside of those nations most distant from the fullness of Christian thought; And,
b. Fought, both outside and inside of those nations where the Christian influence is strongest, such threats to all humans as inflicted by such evil men (ie Homo not Vir) as Nazis, Islamists waging Jihad, Atheist Communists (eg Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao), slavers (nb Slavery is approved by the Koran and still practiced in some, Muslim majority, nations) as cost the anti-slavery crusaders of the USA huge payments of treasure, blood and lives in the USA's 
War Between The States; And,
4. Has moved towards the execution of the Natural Law rights of all humans (ie As not available to those of us who are not Muslim males in nations governed by Islamic laws) even though that movement has led to the suppression of: The right to immediate-and-effective defense against criminal attacks which "present a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm", when civil authorities can-not or will-not do so  (eg By denying the ready access to modern and effective firearms); And, prostituting the right to free speech by efforts to make truthful statements against some (eg Orthodox Muslims exactly obeying the unalterable commands of Islam, Socialist-and-Communists and those defending the civilization-supporting institution of marriage) such "hate speech" as demands punishment and those opposed to the murder of unborn OR just born babies.

It may well be past the time to remove those weeds which have infested the nutritious fields of Western Civilization---Especially in our governments and in The Church. If, and only if, reason and other peaceful means will not do so (ie In the very near future), then we must liquidate those threats to civilization by other means (eg As used to defeat Nazism and to free Iberia, Greece, Sicily and the Balkans from the horrors of Islamic rule)

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