Sunday, August 05, 2018

The Real Danger To Our Elections

The greatest danger to our election process and the sanctity of our votes is NOT some such external enemy as Russia, Iran, The Peoples Republic (sic) Of China  or North Korea.

The real and harder-to-detect danger comes from illegal votes by aliens, felons and those who follow the Chicago tradition of "Vote Early---And Often!".

In large part that crime against our Democratic-Republic is enabled and aggravated by unclean "Voter Rolls" which have not been purged of those who have died or moved out of their election district or are felons still serving sentences or are not citizens.

Removal of those unqualified or non-existent voters, from poll lists, is mightily opposed by agents of The Democratic (sic) Party.  

Journalists, public officials and others who fail to frequently and "loudly" declare that truth are dangerously aiding and abetting: A crime against all of us; AND, even, aiding the external enemies of the USA as listed above.

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