Monday, August 06, 2018

Pope Francis VS. Capitol Punishment

It has been reported that Francis, the current "Bishop Of Rome", has declared that capital punishment is never acceptable. 

Strangely, I do not note that The Christ (ie Whose execution was necessary for the salvation of humanity) ever condemned that process.

It also appears that such a statement is in opposition to the teachings of St. Paul (Romans 13:1-4).

When The Church had the duty (ie In the Vatican States) to protect the People by executing justice, and that by executing evil men, it certainly did not reject those teachings. Now that Francis no longer has that duty he is unwilling to have the State do so. That is a most amoral imposition of authority without the justification of duty.

I also find that pontification very strange in the light of his failure to condemn the very, very, murderous and unalterable commands of that criminal-terrorist ideology called "Islam".

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