Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Today's Real Danger To USA's Blacks

The real danger to our Black fellow citizens and legal immigrants, does NOT spring from:
1. Some fool wearing "Blackface" or posting like images on-line and on-campus; OR,
2. The small share (> 0.5%)) of White Americans who can, rationally, be described as "Nazis" or like, mentally deranged, persons; Or,
3. Those Americans of Chinese ancestry who, as a racially identified group, have suffered historical, race-based, abuse (Some by murder) and have left that behind to generally achieve superior academic performance [ie To the extent that some universities (eg Harvard) have been acting against them due to that success] and like success in other areas---And, an almost zero rate of imprisonment or being murdered by members or their own race or being shot by police.

The real danger the USA's Blacks comes from those Black thugs who murder (Quickly by misuse of guns and slowly by illegal drugs), rape and prostitute, rob and otherwise attack, insult and diminish other  (Chiefly law-abiding and innocent) Blacks. (Those critters also select-out, on the basis of race, White victims at rate many, many, times the reverse.

Those delusional or destructive Blacks who cast blame at the first two groups cited above and are:
4. Ignorant of the facts; Or,
5. Are, for their own profit or over-developed sense of self-worth, stirring up inter-racial hate and mistrust; Or,
6. Are so full of self-hate or racist-hate as must be removed from any attention or respect by others.

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