Sunday, April 01, 2018

Alternatives To Knives Or Guns---Updated

Since police are often unable (Or is it unwilling?) to protect the People from criminals, those potential victims should take measures to protect themselves. As too many officials (Especially very "political" Police) appears to frown on citizens having readily accessible firearms or, even knives, to do so, I suggest that the People keep ready and use one or more of the following: Gas or elastic powered fish spears; Ordinary harpoons; Maces or "War Hammers" of the many historical varieties; Home made (Liquid Petroleum Gas) flame throwers disguised as walking sticks OR other "innocent" objects; Sling shots"  with steel ball bearings as projectiles; Chain saws; Lead shot filled garden hose sections; Chinese style repeating cross bows; Batons plugged into wall current OR (Disguised as walking sticks or other "innocent" objects and with today's high discharge-rate batteries and capacitors) with sharp prong electrodes to jab into thugs; Old style "zip guns" using sharpened flooring materials as projectiles; Packets of red pepper dust to be followed with boots and clubs (The Maori and Iroquois have some nice designs); "Nail Guns"; And, any number of other improvised weapons. 

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