Monday, November 28, 2016

The Good Shepherd Jesus VS. The Wolves

Jesus the Christ very firmly declared that He was the "Good Shepherd". What then does such a person do when wolves attack to take away or kill the sheep, lambs and (Like myself) "old goats" of his flock? Why, any good shepherd will use his rod and staff (Both weapons!) or, like the Psalmist David some other weapon (eg A projectile weapon called the sling) to drive away or, better yet to prevent future predation, kill the wolves. The good shepherd will realize that it is useless to "reach out" to wolves or to forgive them as they remain what they are and that without mercy or consideration of the rights of the shepherd or his charges NOR any willingness to reform even if "forgiven". Jesus described himself as such to a People who knew exactly what a "Good Shepherd" would do when His flock was attacked.

Today, those wolves who attack Jesus' flocks are usually: Those who obey the horrid teachings of the false prophet Mohammed; Aggressive "secular humanists" (ie Atheists) who use the force (Too often of civil law) to inflict their goals upon Christians and other believers; And, that especially rabid sub-group, those who perform elective abortions and those who support them.

Those of us who are willing to be "Assistant Good Shepherds" (Or even sheep/guard dogs) in the defense of the flocks of innocents should recall what good shepherds do as to predatory wolves! Attack and destroy!

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