Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Major Lie About Muslims And Following Logic

There are too many persons who claim that there was no declaration of war on the USA before the "9/11" attacks OR on the United Kingdom or Spain before the bombings there.


Mohammed proclaimed, via the "Koran" and his collected sayings in the "Hadith" (As confirmed by Muslim "jurists") that there is a perpetual state of war between all Muslims and all other peoples until all either convert to Islam or submit to the slave like status commonly called "dhimitude". Since no Muslim will openly declare that commandment to be illicit, as Islam requires its followers to believe that the "Koran" is the unchangeable word of the Creator, then we may assume that we are in a declared state-of-war with all Muslims.

Even if only 10% of the followers of that ideology are willing to actively participate in (Or support those who do) in military attacks against us, that is still 100,000,000 such enemies who are dedicated to destroy us and our civilization (Or, what is left of it).

Since those jihadists are firmly dedicated to killing or otherwise destroying us, we should have no guilt or trepidation or fault in killing them first---AND THOSE WHO SHELTER THEM. It is sad, but those jihadists use non-combatants as human shields and, since those non-fighters either are willing to be so used or fail to effectively resist such abuse, they are liable to suffer "collateral damage" when such terrorists are attacked.



Anonymous said...

Your right. Nothing else to say. You hit the nail on the head. I have been to many muslim countries in the last two years, and even the "peaceful" Sunni's will not speak against the commandment to convert, kill or enslave.


Anonymous said...

Great posts, I'm a regular reader, keep up the good work!

Could you please comment on the Moorish conquest of the Iberian peninsula? and in particular, the Jew's relationship with the Muslim invaders.

I understand that when the Muslims invaded (Al-Andalus) the Sephardi Jewry referred to them as a liberating force, and even took up arms against the Christians along side the Muslims.

The two centuries of Muslim rule there is now referred to (by some) as the "Sephardi Golden Age".

Anonymous said...

Nice!! So are you advocating the death of innocent children too?