Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Stopping Unlawful Violence Against Blacks

The first-and-foremost method of reducing unlawful violence against the USA's Blacks is to remove (By one means or another) those Black slugs who murder them (eg By misuse of  guns or the distribution of such dangerous-and-illegal drugs as have killed so many hundreds-of-thousands of Amerucabs). Those murders are: 1. At a rate many times that of Whites murdering other Whites; And, at a rate almost infinitely (ie Approaching Zero) that of those Americans whose ancestry is in China/India/Korea/Japan "murdering their own".

The liquidation of those murderers would be greatly aided by Blacks openly and often admitting that the above facts are TRUE.

It is the case that Black criminals are more likely than those of other races to attempt such crimes as "present a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm to others" as allows or requires the immediate use of lethal force to protect the innocent.

Then, some attention must be paid to those Black criminals who, on the basis of race, select-out White victims at a rate many times the reverse as has been mathematically established.

As to "police violence": 1. As far as I know, White police officers are no more likely to shoot Blacks than are Black officers; And, 2. There is a valid-and-reliable (ie Scientific) method of screening-out those persons unsuited for police work (Which is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory).

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