Friday, September 04, 2020

Questions For Candidate Joseph Biden

 I would like to "press" Candidate Biden with the following questions.

1. Do you admit that it is very highly probable that the Covid-19 virus came out of Wu Han in the "Peoples
Republic (sic) Of China"?
2. Do you admit to the fact that, after that virus erupted in the PRC, its Communist government very severely limited the travel of Chinese citizens within that nation; But, allowed them (Including probably infected persons) to travel to other nations where they began a world wide pandemic?
3. How much money or other "valuta" did your son, Hunter Biden, acquire from the PRC or any of its dependent and controlled organizations during or after his trip with you to the PRC?
4. Are those native born and naturalized Americans, from 18 to 21 years-of-age full citizens of
the United States (ie Possibly not including those serving sentences for felonies)?
5. As such are they entitled to ALL of the protections which should be had under The Bill Of Rights?
6. For such younger AND law-abiding citizens are their individual right to (Buy) keep and bear arms
should be protected no less than law-abiding citizens over the age of 21-years?


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Anonymous said...

Were you on 27th St. today harassing us?