Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I Am A Corporation

 I Am A "Corporation"!2


  • I Am A "Corporation"!

    • Candidate Joseph Biden has pledged to raise the tax-rate on corporations.

      Unlike those whose family income is expanded by screwing monies out of such tyrannies as the 
      "Peoples' Republic (sic) Of China" or such grossly corrupt nations as was (?) The Ukraine, my income
      is much less than the Bidens.

      Like millions of other Americans, the chief part of my retirement income comes from a pension fund which
      derives its income from investments in a very wide number-and-variety of private corporatons.

      As far as I can determine Candidate Biden's proposal:
      1. Will, at the least, reduce the income of those corporations and my income; And.
      2. Is very likely to grossly reduce (Or destroy) the value of those investments.

      Like millions of other, retired, Americans I am a compulsive voter. Only because of physical limits inflicted by age,
      I vote by such absentee ballots for which my current address, citizenship and on-going use of such ballots have been
      and is verified. The value of my vote is very much likely to be grossly reduced in value by any counting of other forms 
      of mail-out ballots where such verification is NOT had.

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