Monday, May 25, 2020

Stress Test For Presidential Candidates

Some engineering/scientific companies/organizations will subject products/inventions to great stresses to determine if they will survive AND properly function under such conditions.

All of our modern Presidents live-and-function under perpetual levels of great stress. Other than the test of being POTUS candidates for that position can be
"stress tested" by public, open and unrestricted-subject debates.

The voters of our Republic have an absolute right to observe probable candidates Biden and Trump tested in that manner! And person(s) or organizations (eg Political Parties, Broadcast Networks) who block or attempt to block such debates are Fascists attacking Democracy.

I have not read or heard of any plans for a or (Hopefully) more debate(s) between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden. Both of those candidates must, in the very near future, make arrangements for one/more such (Unrestricted as to subject materials) debates OR be declared an enemy of our nation's elections being 
based on an informed electorate! 

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