Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Some "Unmasked" Black Academics Spreading Corona Virus


It has been reported that some Black "Academics" are refusing to wear face masks during this Chinese Virus pandemic because of (Alleged" "Racial Profiling".

Although they are endangering all Americans, they are presumed to have most
of their social contacts with other Blacks and, thereby, endanger other Blacks more than others (eg Asians, Latinos, Whites). 

That is arch-typical of a sub-culture, among the USA's Blacks, which has that 
lack of concern for the common good as also makes Blacks the major victims
of Black violence. (Of course, Black thugs do select-out, on the basis of race
White victims at a rate many, many, times the reverse.

In this time those Black academics are far more likely to be murdered or maimed by other Blacks than by Whites (And almost infinitely more often
by those other people of color whose ancestry is in China, India, Korea and


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