Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Stopping Domestic Violence

This note is limited to that "domestic violence" which presents "a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm".

Such threats are NOT stopped by counseling or restraining orders or even short-term jail terms!

The only sure methods of stopping such endangerments are by one of the following methods:
1. "Two to the chest and one to the head"; Or,
2. A "double tap" to the head; Or,
3. "Four inches with the point, twist and rapidly repeat two-plus times; Or,
4. Like and immediate use of other forms of lethal force.

Anyone who denies the above is protecting evil ones by denying the Natural Law and statutory right to full, immediate and effective self-defense.

Upon detecting a potential danger of such grossly serious threats of domestic violence, law-enforcement officers, social service workers, pastors and other such persons should (Must?) inform the threatened person(s) of:
A. The law-of and their right-to use deadly force to immediately-and-effectively stop any attacks which represent a threat of death or great bodily harm to themselves or other innocent persons;
B. How to obtain a licence to carry concealed weapons;
C. Where to obtain such weapons and the training needed to effectively use them.

To base such decisions AND public policy on facts we should know what part of the actors and victims of such, very serious, attacks are (And such compared with their part of the general population) Asians, Blacks, First Peoples (aka "Native Americans"), Latinos and Whites. To avoid that data is to cripple proper actions!

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