First, please note that I put myself at great, physical, risk by dangerous duty in the US Navy and like risk by (Paid and unpaid) civilian "work".
Thirdly, I greatly discount the views, about the "risk of war", by those who have not so served!
Fourthly, those who will not face the possibility of a "just war" (Which must be presumed, unless clear-and-convincing evidence exists to the contrary,
in defense of the USA which is the most, exceptionally, charitable and just nation in the world) must study:
1. Our War Between The States which preserved our Republic AND suppressed the Great Evil of slavery (ie Which is perpetually approved by the
teachings of Islam and still practiced in some Muslim majority nations);
2. The genocide inflicted on millions of innocent humans by the Nazis (nb Kogon, Eugen; The Theory And Practice Of Hell; Macmillian) which was
forwarded by pathological pacifists compromising with Hitler who are so like those who insist on compromises with Islamist terrorists (eg The "Mad Mullahs" f Iran);
3. The parallel enslavement and mass murders inflicted by Imperial Japan on millions in those nations about the Pacific Ocean as removed by
a, most bloody, war;
4. The Korean War which saved the people of South Korea from the horrors of life under the tyrants who have, for three generations, inflicted starvation,
torture, punishment of entire, extended, families for the "sins" of one member; And,
5. No lack, inside or outside the USA and back to ancient times, of examples of the proper use of war to resist and suppress tyranny---Which always
yields slavery and the murder of innocents.
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