Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Geography, Division & Western Civilization

Once the Age-Of-Migration ended in Europe (c 900 AD), that part of the Euro-Asian land mass began a period of divisions into, very many, political units divided, often by geography, who were in often constant wars (And other forms of competition)..It may be that age did not end until c 1945..

That age was marked by:
1. Intense development of weapons, strategy and tactics, from the level of "craft" to that supported by engineering-and-science as NOT seen in other parts of the World which was typically dominated by large political or ideological blocks (eg China, Islam); And,
2. Intense development of ideas,from theology to science, as supported by logic (nb Try and work your way through such Medieval works as St. Thomas' Summa Contra Gentiles or Bertrand Russell's far more recent The Principles Of Mathematics) which led to the advances in Medicine and other forms-of-engineering which erupted out of real universities [ie Not found outside of Europe,Canada, Israel and the USA except as, sometimes pale, copies AND to like, idea generating, military establishments in more recent times (eg The science of epidemics as rooted in US military research c 1900)].

I may well be that the "Nationalism", in Europe, the USA and Israel, has supported those developments.

I am sorry to note that the cited level of idea-generation and foundation-of-logic is being destroyed  or limited, those Western Universities, by "political correctness"---Which is neither based on logic nor on such ideas as are subject to scientific (ie Reliable and valid) tests.

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