Saturday, October 26, 2019

Today's Needed Responses To Attacks On Free Speech

At this time it appears to me, as a (Self-declared) “Avocational Historian”, that the USA is rapidly approaching such divisions as were rampant in this land in the 1770s and1850s. That is, the current divisions (As described on an attachment to this letter) are going well beyond the levels or conditions as would allow resolution, for the common good, as produced by rational discussion. Those past divisions led to bloody war---And, an increase in freedom in this nation.

Such divisions become most apparent when good citizens are no longer willing to compromise with those attacking their essential rights and attacking them physically and when they realize that such compromise will only result in the total destruction of those rights and the physical endangerment of themselves, their families-and-friends and all law-abiding people.

At this time (Or shortly hereafter) the only rational and proper response to those attacks against our freedoms and persons (Or will be) the immediate use of deadly force (eg By use of modern firearms) against all such attacks (eg Mob threats) which represent a “clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm” OR the perceived threat of such endangerment. [This appears to be why the “Left” (ie The Democrat-Socialist-Fascist Party) is attempting to destroy the individual right of law-abiding, America, citizens to “keep and bear arms” to facilitate their attacks on other rights and against innocent persons.]

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