Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dems & "Slashing" Prison Populations

I am a veteran of 34-years of profession work in Wisconsin's Department Of Corrections I am very interested in the reporting on various Democrats calling-for the "slashing" of our nation's prison populations.

As such a veteran I know that the two best means to prevent new crimes, after prison release, are: A safe-and-secure residence away from the high-crime neighborhoods from which those convicts came; And, such employment as will allow them to establish-and-maintain themselves in a residence in like neighborhoods.

To support their words with actions all Democrat candidates or elected officials or activists who have demanded that "slashing" must now-and-honestly:
1. Inform prison/correctional agencies that their homes are now fully free for the placement of prisoners without any conditions other than those usual for others released from prison; And,
2. Obtain full-time employment for them in any companies owned (In whole or in part) by them or with their Party's offices or by providing employers with such bonds or other firm, financial, protections against losses inflicted by those released prisoners.

All citizen-voters should now expect proofs of such offers by the noted Democrats along with hard-and-firm evidence of their execution.

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