Thursday, July 25, 2019

Iran, Piracy & History

In the early 1800s the new United States, with a very small navy, waged "Mini-Wars" against the Islamist pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. Those scum were waging, for financial gain and in obedience to the unalterable commands of Islam, such piracy which was an attack on the "freedom of the seas" and against those who Muslims consider as "unbelievers".

The USA's use of naval and limited, on land, force ended those attacks. The much larger powers of France, Spain and England failed to demonstrate such courage.

I will not insult your intelligence by detailing the parallels with the current attacks as ordered by Iran's, very orthodox, Mullahs and executed by Iran's paramilitary and Jihad waging forces. 

Pirates may be killed out-of-hand or after very summary courts martial by responding military forces.

The following quotes strictly apply to the above piracy:
1. "Pirates are the enemies of all mankind." (ie Humanity) (Probable source is Hugo Grotius a prime founder of international law); And,
2. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" (George Santayana).

Please note that I have served against evil "men" by dangerous service with the US Navy. 


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