Friday, November 23, 2018

Drug Dealers ARE Very Dangerous Criminals

This is in response to President Trump's and others' comments as to prison reform and "low level" (sic) dealers in illegal drugs receiving long prison

Drug dealers ARE violent criminals.That is, their trade in dangerous and illegal drugs results in:
1. Murders of other drug dealers by or on orders from, even, low level drug dealers (eg As in Chicago) and executed by their "soldiers" (Many/most of 
whom are not arrested or charged);
2. Innocent bystanders (eg Including babies being held by their grandparents) as' "accidentally" or "mistakenly" murdered through inter-dealer conflicts;
3. The mass killings of innocents by drug lords (As proven by mass burials) and the murder of democracy, as based on Law, in Mexico;
4. The killing,sometimes as fast as by gunfire,as inflicted by over-dosing or polluted and illegal drugs; 
5. The slower killing of many by the actual drug additions or the high risks of such "trades" as prostitution and armed robbery; AND,
6. Most horrid of all, the destruction of souls or human-spirits by the use of such drugs or being a (Even "low level") dealer.

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