Friday, November 30, 2018

Reduction In USA's Life Expectancy & Immigration

It has been reported that the life expectancy in the USA has decreased for the last three years.

What has not been reported is the break-down of that trend by race and ethnicity and if that trend includes both citizens and immigrants!

As good as legal immigrants may be, many of them (eg Christian refugees from Islamist terrorism) lived hard lives in lands with very low life expectacies.  We accept that as a part of the price of welcoming many, many, thousands of vetted immigrants who obeyed our democratically enacted immigration laws.

As illegal immigrants are not vetted and hide from authorities upon their invasion of my nation (nb My father and grandparents were legal immigrants) they may, in person or by infecting others, be responsible for the cited reduction.

We might also determine if there has been a greater reduction in life expectancy in those States (eg California) with an above-average number/percentage of illegal immigrants.

This appears to be another example of half-truths being far more dangerous that outright lies.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Drug Dealers ARE Very Dangerous Criminals

This is in response to President Trump's and others' comments as to prison reform and "low level" (sic) dealers in illegal drugs receiving long prison

Drug dealers ARE violent criminals.That is, their trade in dangerous and illegal drugs results in:
1. Murders of other drug dealers by or on orders from, even, low level drug dealers (eg As in Chicago) and executed by their "soldiers" (Many/most of 
whom are not arrested or charged);
2. Innocent bystanders (eg Including babies being held by their grandparents) as' "accidentally" or "mistakenly" murdered through inter-dealer conflicts;
3. The mass killings of innocents by drug lords (As proven by mass burials) and the murder of democracy, as based on Law, in Mexico;
4. The killing,sometimes as fast as by gunfire,as inflicted by over-dosing or polluted and illegal drugs; 
5. The slower killing of many by the actual drug additions or the high risks of such "trades" as prostitution and armed robbery; AND,
6. Most horrid of all, the destruction of souls or human-spirits by the use of such drugs or being a (Even "low level") dealer.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Political Judges, Democracy & History

As a (Self-declared) "Avocational Historian" I know that the Founders of our Republic were in favor of England's parliamentary system. Their primary "problem" with it was that Americans were not allowed representation in the House Of Commons.

I also know that the Founders were a product of a system in which the Legislative branch was developing towards total control of government and The Law.

That, sort-of democratically elected, Parliament did give some authority to the "Law Lords; But that power was limited to reviews of court decisions and did NOT extend to legislative acts.

It appears that the Founders established SCOTUS to take the place of those "Law Lords" in a new nation which, very especially,. rejected nobility.

 In the first years of the USA SCOTUS was a "very dull place" with one Justice resigning for wont of work or mental stimulation. 

Chief Justice Marshall's premeditated-and-engineered decision in Marbury Vs. Madison took power and authority away from the People who (Then indirectly) elected POTUS and US Senators and, more directly, the Members of the House of Representatives and gave it to Federal Judges who were 
not readily subject to democratic reviews and, if needed, sanctions on their acts. (The sanction of removal from office of Federal judges has been had only
eight times since 1789.)

Chief Justice Roberts denial of "political judges" is also a pathological (And political) denial of reality.

It appears the The Congress has the authority (Under Article-III, Section-2, Second paragraph of our Constitution) to "regulate" the Federal Courts.
It also appears that we are facing a two-year delay (ie Until the GOP regains control of The House after its, less than recently average, losses in the 
2018 midterm election) in allowing the limitation of Federal district court authority over the President decisions and acts to their own districts AND to case in which they have physical jurisdiction.  After 1 January 2021 it may be proper to also amend our Constitution to some variation of:

A. Any judicial decision limiting or overturning an act of the Congress as executed by the President is limited to the judicial district or circuit in which it was made until confirmed by The Congress or The Supreme Court Of The United States; B. All decisions of the courts of the United States shall use the intent of the authors of Constitution, its amendments and the Laws of the United States as the basic authority and source for such actions. (These provisions return constitutional power to the People and their democratically elected representatives as taken from them by individual or small groups of unelected judges. It would also suppress judges "making law (And, amending the Constitution!) from the bench")

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Politically Incorrect Racial Model (2)

Politically Incorrect Model For Blacks & ALL Others

Blacks should give up the very inferior model as described in Professor Thomas Sowell's Black Rednecks and White Liberals and which : Now supports “Victimhood”; Supports and honors those entertainers who support/advocate abuse-of-women and attacking police; (That inferior model is now being advocated by various, Democrat and Socialist, non-thinkers.)

Blacks and all others should follow the example of most Americans of Chinese decent who:Came to the USA as racially identifiable incomers, speaking very foreign languages, having “strange” social customs; After arriving here they were:Subject to legal-and-illegal attacks (Some fatal); Excluded from the vote and other civil rights; Lived (Some voluntarily as did Italians, Jews and my Polish grandparents) in “Ghettos”; And, were very ill-treated as serf-like and almost slave-like workers; After this they demonstrated their cultural superiority by: Dedication to deferring rewards (Avoiding the crippling, criminal/infant-like, demand for instant gratification) by hard physical and academic work (The latter leading to some universities discriminating against them for being “too qualified/successful); Cleaving to the support and other advantages of two-parent (One of each gender) families; Honoring scholars over criminals; And, Disproportional avoiding violations of law; And, Earning the rewards of: Great academic success (With the racist reactions of some schools noted above); A disproportional awarding of Nobel Prizes (Especially in the apolitical areas of science); And, a disproportional and greatly lower part of the populations of our jails and prisons OR being murdered by members of their own race OR being shot by police.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Lincoln And Press "Enemies Of The People" (2)

I recently came across the below item as might address those who have criticized our constitutionally elected (Without an majority of popular votes cast as was Lincoln who received 1,865,908 while his opponents had 2,816,122)

"Major-General John A. Drx, Commanding at New York:
Whereas there has been wickedly and traitorously printed and published this morning in the New York World and New York Journal of Commerce, newspapers printed and published in the city of New York, a false and spurious proclamation purporting to be signed by the President and to be countersigned by the Secretary of State, which publication is of a treasonable nature, designed to give aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States and to the rebels now at war against the Government and their aiders and abettors, you are therefore hereby commanded forthwith to arrest and imprison in any fort or military prison in your command the editors, proprietors, and publishers of the aforesaid newspapers, and all such persons as, after public notice has been given of the falsehood of said publication, print and publish the same with intent to give aid and comfort to the enemy; and you will hold the persons so arrested in close custody until they can be brought to trial before a military commission for their offense. You will also take possession by military force of the printing establishments of the New York World and Journal of Commerce, and hold the same until further orders, and prohibit any further publication therefrom.

Citation: Abraham Lincoln: "Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors," May 18, 1864. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project.

In time SCOTUS supported the above action against those POTUS declared as "enemies of the people".  Since some  (In "The Resistance") are wondering if SCOTUS-Nominee Brett Kavanaugh will follow Stare Decisis on the Roe Vs. Wade decision, will "The Resistance" support such, Lincoln-Model AND legal, actions against The New York Slimes or The Washington Compost

President Lincoln's measure was executed when our Republic was in a state of war and combating a rebellion. We now remain in a state-of-war against those waging Jihad against the USA and some of its allies and facing an invasion of illegal immigrants as includes criminals and may include Islamist-Terrorists (Please excuse the redundancy!). The USA is also facing possible rebellion as initiated by such as AntiFa.

Monday, November 12, 2018

A French-European Army?


The present President of France (May his name be forgotten within ten years) now declares a need for an "European Army" as, no doubt, dominated by France as the Germans have lost military courage.

He also is  the President of a Republic as does not meet its contracted, upon its honor, obligations to NATO which has protected France from Soviet and, now Russian, aggression. In other words, he has prostituted the Honor of France and all of its citizens.

The army of France does present very impressive parades on 14 July of each year; But, cannot halt Islamist violence within your nation.

With the exception of the Foreign Legion, the following advertisement might well appear to apply to your army: "French Army Rifle For Sale---Never Fired, Dropped only once."



L'actuel président de la France (Que son nom soit oublié d'ici dix ans) déclare maintenant la nécessité d'une "armée européenne", sans aucun doute dominée par la France, les Allemands ayant perdu courage

Il est également président de la République car il ne respecte pas les obligations contractées vis-à-vis de l'OTAN, qui ont protégé la France contre l'agression soviétique et désormais russe. En d'autres termes, il a prostitué l'Honneur de la France et de tous ses citoyens .

L’armée de France présente des défilés très impressionnants le 14 juillet de chaque année; Mais, ne peut pas arrêter la violence islamiste au sein de votre nation.

À l'exception de la Légion étrangère, la publicité suivante peut sembler s'appliquer à votre armée: "Carabine de l'armée française à vendre --- jamais tirée, larguée une seule fois"

Missing From Mass Shooting Stories

Missing from "Mass Shooting" stories (eg A "club" in California & a Synagogue in Pittsburgh) are reports of some law-abiding. legally presumed sane and courageous citizen pulling out a (Legally) conceal handgun and, as easily trained, "putting down" dangerous animals.

Of course, such an action is likely to stop killings before they meet the usual definition of "five or more dead in a single incident".

But, the Democrats in those and like jurisdictions have been waging a Jihad against what should be the rights of all good citizens to "keep and bear arms" (ie Without "infringement").

I must wonder if the bosses of that Party are less concerned about the safety of our fellow citizens and much more worried that the shooting-down of criminals will reduce their power base.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

SCOTUS, History & Democracy

As a (Self-declared) "Avocational Historian" I know that the Founders of our Republic were in favor of England's parliamentary governance. Their primary, constitutional, problem was that the freemen of American were not allowed the (Still very limited) "Rights Of Englishmen".

I also know that they were the product of a system in which the Legislature had (Or was developing) towards near total control of government and The Law.

That, approved, Parliament, did give "The Law Lords" some authority. But, that power was limited to reviews of court decisions and did NOT extend to legislative acts.

It appears that the Founders established SCOTUS to take the place of the "law lords" in a nation which, very specially, rejected nobility.

In the first years of the new USA, SCOTUS was a "very dull place"with one Justice resigning for, perhaps, wont of work or mental stimulation.

Chief Justice Marshall's premeditated and engineered decision in Marbury Vs. Madison took power and authority away from the People who (Then indirectly) elected POTUS and the Senate and, more directly the Members of The House Of Representatives. That is, he took away the power to remove from office those officials who are judged by The People to be wrong in their actions and made a few Justices (And all Federal judges) immune from democracy  (Except by the very rare us of the impeachment, trial (Before the Senate) and removal-from-office as removed only eight federal justices in the 229 years of our nation).

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Saudis & Turks

The Saudi's have been responsible for the murder of a Washington Compost reporter. If it were not for oil and their "Custody" of Mecca and Medina that family business would be of no import on our world. There is little doubt that Saudi Arabia has been, directly-or-indirectly and overtly-or-covertly, responsible for the illicit deaths of many others since its creation c. 1927-1930. This even involves some small-scale genocide in neighboring nations.

Under would be Caliph Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Turkey has abruptly reversed its steady course, begun under the very great (Mustafa)  Kemal Ataturk, towards being a democratic-republic. Now, the basic civil-legal rights of Turkish citizens [And others within and without  Turkey are of no value under that tyrant. Turkey is now an Islamic-Islamist terrorist state. It is directly involved in genocide (eg Against, also Muslim, Kurds).

As both of those nations support the horrid and unalterable commands of Islam, I say "A plague on both of their houses!".

There is a petition circulating to have the street in front of the Saudi Embassy, in the District Of Columbia, renamed "Kashoggi Way" after the one person, a member of the protected-and-privileged class of journalists, was murdered by Saudi officials.


However, I do note the fact that Turks raped and massacred many, many, thousands of Armenians AND still refuses to admit to the facts of that genocide.

Therefore, I (Most strongly) recommend that the street in front of the Turkish Embassy, in the District Of Columbia (Where Turkey's official-thugs recently attacked our nation's citizens or guests) as "Armenian Genocide Street".

National Defense & "Posse Comitatus Law"

One of the primary duties of POTUS is to defend the United States from foreign invasions and to use the, even deadly, force of our military to do so. Any failure to energetically and effectively execute that duty would be grounds for impeachment, trial and removal from office.

Any, attempt to invade the USA requires POTUS to order our Armed Forces to use all necessary (Even deadly) force to stop any such invasion. It is NOT necessary that such invaders be member of some other nation's armed forces (eg We have used such force against Islamist terrorists, the current hoard, with plans to invade the USA, may include such critters) to use such force.

Our troops. Border Patrol and police, defending the USA from mobs, are not required to tolerate thrown rocks or the body-mass of mobs or other attacks as present "a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm". The have both Natural Law and statutory rights to self-defense---AS OVERRIDE ANY "POLITICAL CORRECT" DECISIONS-MADE OR ORDERS-ISSUED BY THOSE HIDING IN OFFICES FAR AWAY FROM DANGER.

The use of such self-defense is NOT in violation of the "Posse Comitatus Law" as our troops would not, by using self-defense, being called on by civil authority to exercise police functions.

There is NOT violation of that law by our military defending our nation from foreign invasion.

Yes, such a military (But constitutional, lawful and demanded) response may result in "collateral damage" to children. The fault of any such is directly-and-solely assigned to the adults (Especially parents) who put children in harms way. (You might recall the like "collateral damage" during the destruction of Nazi Germany and the once Imperial Japan as was necessary to destroy threats to our Republic.)

Monday, November 05, 2018

Iran Is At War With The USA

All should now review some history lessons. On November 4, 1979 terrorist agents of Iran's Ayatollahs invaded the United States by violently occupying our Embassy in that tyrant ruled nation. They also took our Americans stationed there as hostages in gross violation of well established international law (eg As obeyed by the USA even after the December 7, 1941 Japanese sneak attack on Hawaii by safely transporting them out of the USA). Those American hostages in Iran were freed only after a "Surrender Monkey Democrat" was replaced (On January 20, 1981) by Republican  President Ronald Reagan. 

As far as I know no Iranian, having Islamic or government authority, has ever apologized for those violations of law. As far as I know Iran has not paid reparations to those American victims of Islamist crimes or to our nation.

Since that Islamist takeover, Iran has been waging "undercover war" against the USA---Some by paid and foreign terrorists. 

Iran remains the enemy of the USA and is still at war with our Republic.

Friday, November 02, 2018

USA's New Well-Source/Cess-Poll Of Jew Hatred

The Hadith (Second only to the Koran among Muslims, has the following declarations: “The Jews will hide behind rocks and the trees”; And, “But the rocks and the trees will say, ‘Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.".

The study of modern (From 1900 AD on) clearly shows the severe Jihad against Jews as exampled by:
1. The "Grand Mufti Of Jerusalem" formally joining Hitler and his genocidal campaign against Jews; And,
2. The fact that Jews have been driven out of all Muslim majority nations.

In more recent years there has been a legal and illegal influx of Muslims (Given preference over Christians by Obama & Company) into the USA. [In Dearborn (Michigan) Christians on public property were stoned by Muslims for the crime-against-Islam of exercising their constitutional rights to freely practice their religion---AND those Islamists were defended by the local police and courts.]

Anti-Jewish attacks are endemic on many university/college campuses (Especially in California) where school officials are unwilling to protect Jews and their supporters from Muslim mini-mobs and other attacks on free speech and academic freedom. 

In California, primary graded students were forced (Without parental knowledge or consent) to attend Mosques and go through the motions of Muslim worship.


Dealing With Jew Haters

When hatred of Jews goes beyond braying (As protected by The Bill Of Rights) to physical violence or such threats as present OR are reasonably believed to present "a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm", the only solution is to "put down" such dangerous animals as quickly as is possible.