Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Maxime Waters Calling For Fascist Violence

Representative Maxime Waters (D-CA) has solicited others to actively "confront" members of President Trumps Administration so that they cannot function in our nation as do other Americans. (<http://thehill.com/homenews/house/393874-maxine-waters-calls-on-supporters-to-confront-trump-officials-in-public-spaces>).

It is well known that "confrontation", too often, leads to such violence or perceived threat of "a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm". Such a real or reasonably perceived threat allows the direct target of such "confrontation" OR a near-by person to use even deadly force in self-defense.

I have no doubts but that Representative will protect herself by not being anywhere near such "incidents" and will deny any fault if someone is hurt or killed as a result of her asking others to commit crimes.

Yet, I think that the House Of Representatives should begin an investigation of her misconduct as to a possible expulsion from The House and, for the remainder of this term,  remove her from all committee assignments.

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