Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Britain's Military Needs

At this time it does not appear that the United Kingdom needs an overly strong Royal Navy or RAF. In this era it seems most unlikely that the Muslim besieged French will invade the Channel Islands or some new Vikings will come out of the self-castrated Scandinavian nations.

The United Kingdom's greatest and great military need is for a strong and totally loyal Army as is especially trained to suppress internal Jihad attacks on its institutions and peoples.

In the case of any such (Pray forgive the redundancy) Islamist-terrorist attacks, the first Army targets would best be Mosques as have been the traditional places for storage of weapons and as headquarters for Jihad.

The Army should keep its detection operations separate from the Muslim infiltrated or directed civil police and look for other properties as have been used in Western nations (ie Including the USA) as armories.

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