Sunday, October 29, 2017

White (Male) Authors & Culture Denied

In the USA, UK and other places academics are pressing for replacing (Or supplementing) White (Male) authors (eg In English/Literature studies programs) with such persons-of-color selected out chiefly on a basis of race/color and without any great regard to their time-tested value to the corpus of our civilization's literature.

Some of this perversion is based on claims of "colonialism" as a negative force acting towards the suppression of "indigenous" literature and culture. Such claims are proof-positive of either ignorance of History or the most gross dishonesty.

Those who understand history will, if honest, declare that the colonial powers (eg England, France, China, Spain, Russia, et. al.) took political control over many lands and peoples for very practical and non-academic reasons.

With such acts there was an education of those "colonized" peoples in the wider-used, literary, languages. In the Americas, Sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania  and some parts of what is now Russia those peoples were given literacy. itself! That skill and tool was not had before "colonization" and is the most-basic foundation of real literature,  (Even the local bodies of oral traditions, views and concepts could not be shared across the globe without that benefit of "colonizers".)

Those proposed changes are also demands for "instant gratification" as is arch-typical of infants and criminals.

Those academics should/must also remember that real universities were invented, nurtured and developed by White (European), male, Christians. Those temples-of-learning are now, very much, under attack by Fascists waging a form of Jihad against knowledge-and-wisdom (Using actual physical violence or academic intimidation or both).

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