Average-Police-Response-Time to a 911 call?

What is the average-police-response-time to a 911 call?
When we talk to people about violence and what they would do when confronted with violence, the response is always the same. "I would just call 911 for help." There's this false sense of security that we have created with the 911 system that has people believing that with a single call, a swat team will be dispatched immediately to save you and your family within moments of the call.
Unfortunately, this couldn't be further from the truth. So what is the average-police-response-time to a 911 call?
According to American Police Beat, the average response time for an emergency call is 10 minutes. Atlanta has the worst response time with 11 to 12 minutes and Nashville comes in at a lightning speed of 9 minutes.
The Department of Justice, with their statistical prowess, reports that the best response time is 4 minutes and the worst over 1 hour. Interpretation? If you live in an upper income area you probably are privy to the 4 minute response time, while middle to rural areas will see a much longer response time.
Now here is where things get interesting. Even though the Department of Justice determined that the average police response time to a 911 call is 4 minutes, the average interaction time between a criminal and his victim is 90 seconds.
That translates to you being robbed/injured/maimed/raped/murdered and waiting for an additional 2 and a half minutes for the police to arrive. The truth of the matter is that the police will almost always arrive AFTER the crime has happened and the criminal has gone.
The truth is that the police are not your body guards. They cannot be at all places at once. And thanks to our Supreme Court, they don't have to be. The Castle Rock vs. Gonzales case is just one of many which says that the police cannot be sued for failing to enforce a restraining order that lead to the murder of her three children.
The reality is that you are on your own for at least 4 minutes or more. Anyone who has been in any type of altercation knows that it only takes seconds to inflict serious injury.
It's up to you to defend yourself. The police cannot be everywhere. As a citizen, you are accountable for your own personal safety.
Do you know what you need to to do to protect yourself? Do you have the mental and physical training to protect yourself? If no, then we strongly suggest that you take a women's self-defense course and learn how.
Because when crime comes looking for you, you don't want to be vulnerable while the minutes tick away for the average police response time to a 911 call