Monday, January 01, 2007

NUMBERS---And Generations

Some have made a great deal out of the fact that our service dead in Iraq have now exceeded the losses inflicted by Islamic terrorists on that infamous 9/11. Some neither study history nor learn from it. (Blacks should also remember the huge number of White Union troops who suffered and died to insure that the South stayed in the Union and subject to its laws--Which resulted in the freeing of slaves held by Whites, Native Americans and other Blacks.)

They and you might wish to consider (And remember as you elect those who make and pass our laws) the losses on that other day-of-infamy, 12-7-1941, and the cost in American lives needed to defeat the then truly evil Japanese Empire, the worse Nazi killing machine and foolish Italy. It does appear that the Americans of 1941-1945 were our Greatest Generation as they knew any price was worth defeating such evil. The Me-Generation of today lacks historical knowledge, any sense of the Common Good and, most of all, moral courage.

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