Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Strange Gods

Up until about 200-years ago there was, in India, a very small group of Hindus, called Thuggee, whose worship of the goddess Kali involved their going out on the roads of that land, infiltrating the trust of groups of travelers and then murdering them. This for the greater glory of Kali---And such loot as they could, thereby, acquire. (The British government of India suppress this sect, hanging many of its members, and developed such railroads and road-patrols which made those murders much more difficult.)

About 1400-years ago, an Arab named Mohammed invented an ideology called Islam which commanded that there was a perpetual state-of-war between its followers and all other peoples until they “submitted”. The payback for its aggressive and forced domination of those others was seized property, the sexual use of female captives and the ability to demonstrate the most murderous of behaviors as approved by their society. Those behaviors still continue today in such places as The Sudan and are threats in many other places as the United Kingdom and most of Europe.

About 150-years ago the development of (Atheist) Communism began. It also developed into a forced ideology yielding the murder of millions throughout the world, the robbery of their property and, without surprise, the concentration of power and property into the hands of such as Joseph Stalin and his higher leadership. (This ideology could, in fact, be even considered a “religion” as it is based on the “theological” premise that there is no God or gods.)

The more recent history of the Nazi and Fascist movements, with like murderous and robbing characteristics, is/should-be well known to all. The cost of them, over a very few years, was 20,000,000-plus killed and suffering beyond calculation (Yet, smaller than the absolute cost of Atheist Communism or proportionally less than that charged to Islam.)

Even more recently, the “secular humanist” or “secular progressive” movements have promoted the murder of the most innocent of creations, unborn human children, and the weakest of us, the elderly or very infirm who are being put-to-death by physicians in more and more lands because they are a “burden”. These movements use the power of the armed state to enforce their actions (A good reason to maintain a well armed citizenry).

WHAT IS COMMON TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MOVEMENTS? I think all can see that such are all related by a worship-of-death, use of force to overcome resistance and a total disregard for the humanity of humans!

I have elected to worship Jesus Christ whose message is for life, voluntary sharing of wealth, joy and kindness. Even if I worshiped my Slavic ancestors' god Perkun, it would be at a lower cost in evil than the various and murderous ideologies described above.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My my these are some ethnocentric comments. You sir, take a very narrow view of others' religions, and a broad and rose-glass colored view of your own precious Christianity.
Christianity, the religion of the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials, and countless other horrors.
Reading the Bible, I'm always shocked that your god should be feared. There is no nobility in this. It only exaggerates violence and a "might makes right" attitude.

And this is what you want of the world? You are no better than our current president.

I applaud your ability to engage the internet and maintain a blog. But I hope in what time you have left on this earth you open your eyes, take a plane flight out of your town, and visit some foreign countries. (And no, Canada and Hawaii do not count). There are countless of other views out there. It is the ultimate in arrogance for you to assume you were blessed by being raised a Christian, while all others of different faiths are destined for hell.

I hope you don't reincarnate into a dog in your next life. I'll pray to Buddha for you that you may gain the wisdom to learn the eightfold path.