Saturday, September 16, 2006

Letter To The Pope RE: Islam

Pope Benedict-XVI has been attacked for bringing up only one of the "problems" with or "faults" of Islam---Its position that the use of force is allowed to spread its ideology throughout the world. Below, you will find a letter sent to him in defense of his position AND noting that he did not fully support the truth as to the teachings of Mohammed.

2321 South 82nd Street
West Allis
Wisconsin, USA

Dearest Holy Father:

If there is anyone in this world-and-time who can be expected to NOT lie ("Bear false witness") about others it is you. When you, too gently, raised the issue of Islam's well documented history (To this day in such places as the Sudan) of spreading its ideology by war you were only being truthful.

You should have added that Islam is NOT "a religion of peace"; But, is an ideology with basic teachings which support murder, rape, revenge, robbery, genocide and the destruction of real religions and cultures.

Let the Muslims raise up one voice in apologizing for their, well documented, practices of horror and terror which they have AND are inflicting on the world. We Christians have expressed our regrets for the misconduct of those very, VERY, few Crusaders (Who waited through 300-years of Islamic aggression before responding in self-defense) who violated Christian principles in their efforts to destroy that enemy of humanity---Islam.

Respectfully submitted in +,
James Pawlak

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