Thursday, June 04, 2020

The Marches Hurt Who?

The recent "after dark" marches have become, with only some exceptions, mob actions marked by murder, arson, other physical attacks on our fellow Americans, criminal damage, looting and other violations of our democratically enacted laws.

Like in Ferguson (Missouri) the primary victims of the responsible thugs are those "people-of-color" workers and like owners of small businesses whose, honest and family-supporting efforts have been destroyed by dangerous animals.

Many neighborhoods, with Black majority populations, are already lacking ready access to grocery stores and pharmacies. The critters who now destroy those places (Many will not return to serve  others) have grossly injured "people of color".

[Some of those looters murdered Mr. David Dorn, a retired police officer, in St. Louis. Mr. Dorn was Black. I HAVE NOT NOTED ANY "MARCHES" TO HONOR HIS MEMORY OR "DEMANDS FOR JUSTICE" FOR HIM.]

Lest we forget and sink into a quagmire of politically correct ignorance: The vast majority of murdered Blacks in the USA are slaughtered by other Blacks; White police officers are no more likely to shoot Blacks than are Black officers; Blacks are shot more often than Whites as they are far more likely to be involved in such crimes as "present a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm to others" and that almost infinitely more than those Americans whose ancestry is in India, Korea, Japan and China.

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