Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Anti-Police "Advocates" & A Modest-Experimental Proposal

 There are those who state "All Cops Are Bastards" or demand that police departments be "defunded" or have major parts of their budges "diverted" to "social justice programs" (Many of who are found on university campuses) or  murder or maim officers.

At least for such in academia I suggest the following experiment.

1. Such "Advocates" are to be provided funds and (If students) "credits towards degrees"  to live for two terms in a society without real police departments. (I, most strongly, recommend The Sudan!)

2. That residence is to be without any body guards or other personal protections beyond that provided to the "common people" of any such places.

3. Upon return they (ie The survivors) must inform all of us as to their observations and experiences (Perhaps on oath/affirmation before a magistrate).

4. Their schools must likewise report on the fate or unknown-fate of those who failed to return.

All persons, in academia, who support the above-cites positions must be asked if they will volunteer for the above-described experiment.

"Liar" Vs. "Traitor"

 Candidate Biden has proclaimed that Candidate Trump is a "Liar". However, he has never stated that Mr. Trump is any more a liar than any members or by any, politically active,  ex-members of The Congress..

Here, I must note Biden's well documented record of supporting the growth in power of the "People's Republic (sic) Of China" by, among other things, facilitating the movement of American jobs to that tyranny and opposing the maintaining of the strength of our Armed Forces as allows the USA to resist that militarily aggressive 
nation. (The PRC understands loyalty to it and demonstrated such by paying-off that candidate's son with huge sums of money.)

Since the PRC has been waging an "asymmetrical war" (eg By purposefully spreading the "WuHan Virus") against the USA for many decades (ie Over most of Biden's public career as includes the betrayals cited-above) that candidate has committed "Treason" against the USA as defined by our Republic's Constitution.

I must also wonder as Biden's involvement of Obama's like transfer of many millions of dollars (ie Secretly and in currency) to those other, war waging, enemies of the 
USA, the "Mad Mullahs" of Iran AND by his apparent/alleged opposition to both President Obama's and President Trump's liquidation of Jihad waging terrorists who had murdered and mutilated many of our fellow Americans.

The most dangerous internal enemies of the USA are now NOT "White Racists" (ie Less than ~0.05% of Americans). They are those "others" who are murdering police officers and other law-abiding citizens, inflicting mob attacks, burning down parts of our (ie Democrat ruled) cities (eg Minneapolis) and other likes acts-of-treason. Those "others" are grossly supported by the core members of Biden's Party.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Making SCOTUS Decisions

 Any Justice of SCOTUS or nominee for a seat on that court who is asked: How will you rule on (Fill In Blank) should (Must?) respond by outlining the following process.

1. I would first read the "pleadings" submitted to SCOTUS by those seeking a hearing.

2. I would determine if there is or is-not a Federal constitutional question (Or conflict between two or more Circuit Courts Of Appeal as amounts to the same thing) which makes the case worthy of a hearing by SCOTUS. (If not, I would vote to not accept any such case.)

3. If a case is accepted by the court, I would read all submitted documents to determine the constitutional issues, the exact meaning of the provisions of the Constitution in question (As defined by the language used as understood when written) with great attention to the intents of the authors of such provisions.

4. If, and only if, the above cannot resolve the questions-at-hand I will go to the decisions of other (United States ONLY) judges to attempt to make relevant decisions.

5.  With the able assistance of my clerks I would write a tentative first draft which I would share AND discuss with the other Justices.

6. After considering the comments of my peers I may or may-not revise my tentative ruling on the case in question.

7. After that I would submit my views to the vote of the entire court.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

The "Bottom Line" On Dangerous Riots

 For many months "Peaceful Protests" have, very quickly and usually after dark, morphed into riots with attendant arson, hunting down those with opposing political/social positions AND attacking police officers (And others) with firearms and other dangerous weapons.

It is the statutory and Natural Law right of every human to use any (Even lethal) level-of-force to stop any act against them which "presents a clear and present danger of death or great bodily injury" to them. That right extends to all peace officers (nb I have never been a sworn peace 

In the case of such future, very unpeaceful, events the police should announce that any persons using weapons to attack police officers or
other law-abiding persons will be immediately, without further warning, shot down and no aid or assistance will be given them until there 
are no more such attacks in process as might endanger others---AND THEN EXECUTE THAT ACTION UPON ATTACKS.

At each such dangerous rioting the official position must be (To paraphrase a real American at the 1775 Battle Of Lexington): "IF THEY WANT A WAR, LET

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

"Religious" Questions Of SCOTUS Nominees: NOT!

 It is now possible-to-probable that President Trump will nominate a true-believing Catholic to take a place on The Supreme Court Of The United States.

In prior hearings, as to such nominations, some of the Senators of The United States attacked or questioned  nominees about their religious beliefs or those supported by organizations to which they belonged.

It is the right-and-duty of any Senator to demand that no such questions (Or comments) be allowed in committee hearings or, on the floor of The Senate, as they are in exact violation of Article VI (Clause-3) of our Republic's Constitution as commands: ". . . .but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States". 

Our Constitution overrides any "free speech" or "Senatorial Privilege" claims by those who would ask such prohibited questions!!!

Monday, September 21, 2020

18 To 21 Year Old Citizens: Guns & The Vote

 At  age 17 years-of-age I enlisted in our Armed Forces and found myself in one of the most dangerous (Enlisted grade) specialties.  That duty and risk was shared by many of my fellow Americans---Many of whom died in service before they became old enough to vote or (Buy) "keep and bear arms".

Although those "youths" are now, by a constitutional amendment, able to vote, their full individual-and-constitutional, rights-as-citizens under the Second Amendment are less than those over 21 years-of-age.


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Qualifications For Appointment As Supreme Court Justice

I deny that there is any positive/negative relationship between an the amount of Melanin or Estrogen in an American's body and their ability to, most excellently, execute the duties of a Justice of The Supreme Court Of The United States OR any other teaching position.

The possession of a law degree was and is not a necessary qualification for appointment as a Justice of SCOTUS. The first justice with such a degree was Levi Wendburg who was not confirmed until January 3, 1846. Mr. Justice Robert Jackson, who served until 1946, had only one year of law school. (I must wonder if the too convoluted decisions of far too many justices would be reduced by more justices without law degrees!)

Prior duties as a judge is not a requirement for appointment to our highest court as is exampled by still siting Madam Justice Kagen.

I maintain that the primary qualification for such an appointment is the habitual-and-clear reliance, in declaring what is THE LAW, on the intent of the authors of our Republic's Constitution (As amended), then the intent of the authors of our laws and, thereafter and only if absolutely necessary, the views of other judges.

It might well be the case that SCOTUS would be improved by judges who have won the approbation of The People by re-election to judicial OR other public offices.


 It is only my hardening over 82-years of life which keeps me from vomiting each-and-every time I hear or read-of someone whining-and-sniveling in claiming that some opponent(s) of their pet idea/program/project is inflicting "politicization".

That usage is a most arrogant opposition to Democracy and to the will of our fellow citizens as, often very strongly, expressed by voices, the printed word AND, most importantly,  by their votes.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The PRC & "The Virus"

The following facts are avoided or suppressed by too many scientists, journalists and public officials.

1. When the rulers of "The People's Republic (sic) Of China" became aware of the "WuHan Virus" they very quickly and very severely restricted the travel of their subjects within that nation; But, allowed them to travel to other nations (eg Italy where many of them had employment) from which places that virus spread and killed many thousands (Millions?) along with extensive damage to Western economies and the employment of the "Working Class".

2. That government attempted to hide and suppress information about that virus, which hiding was in-place for long enough to limit other nation's ability to control the spread of it (eg By restricting travel from the PRC)  and attacked their nation's scientists who released truthful information on that disease.

In more recent days one of those (Now in hiding) Chinse scientists has declared that the cited virus did NOT come out of any "Wet Market" but from a government laboratory.  

I must wonder if the above described PRC's actions are a part of the asymmetrical (Now biological) warfare being waged against all other nations (Perhaps not including North Korea)..

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Privilege "Operationally Defined"

 To avoid copyright issues I am not "sourcing" the below offering.

There has been a lot of talk about privilege being at the heart of the divisions in this country.  So I thought about it and realized that yes, I am privileged!  I admit it! 

Here's why I am privileged:

  • I'm privileged because I studied hard and embraced education.
  • I'm privileged because I know that knowledge is power.
  • I'm privileged because I have studied history and have learned from the mistakes of the past.
  • I'm privileged because I started working at 16 and have been working constantly for over 40 years.
  • I'm privileged because when I realized that my family needed more money, I got a second job.
  • I'm privileged because I budget my money, pay my debts on time, and protect my credit score.
  • I'm privileged because I had children only when I could afford to care for them.
  • I'm privileged because I didn't have five children before I was 20.
  • I'm privileged because I am a present, loving, and attentive father to my children.
  • I'm privileged because I don't murder, rob, and intimidate my neighbors.
  • I'm privileged because I didn't get hooked on drugs.
  • I'm privileged because I don't sell drugs to my neighbors for a quick buck.
  • I'm privileged because I don't tolerate crime in my neighborhood, and I work with law enforcement to fight it.
  • I'm privileged because I understand that no one else but me is responsible for situation.
  • I'm privileged because I appreciate that people are dying to come to this great country because it offers the best opportunity on the planet to improve one's lot in life.
  • I'm privileged because I recognize the opportunities my country offers me, not what my country can give me.
  • I'm privileged because my parents did all of this, too.

None of the reasons for my privilege has anything to do with the color of my skin or my economic standing.  My privilege stems from hard work, personal responsibility, knowing right from wrong, and appreciating the blessings this country has to offer.  Anyone can do this.  I guarantee positive results.

So before we begin dismantling the greatest country the world has ever known, maybe, just maybe, we should look in the mirror and consider how we can improve our own lives.  I would suggest that the list above is a good start.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Some Advantages Of Some Wars

First, please note that I:
1. Am a veteran of dangerous military service in a combat unit of our Armed Forces;
2. Avoided being killed or maimed, by an accidental "friendly fire", incident by less than a second and less than four feet; 
3. Very greatly discount the views, about military matters, of anyone who has not put themselves at such risk; And,
4. Was involved in "drills" in the face of a possible, nuclear, war.

As such AND as a compulsive student of History I must conclude that "War Games" and ordinary "Combat Drills" are NOT equal to that "education" provided by real combat or, at the very least, such drills executed in the threat of real combat.

Yes, the latter often cost very much, in lives and treasure; But, give us a military best able to counter real enemies of our Republic [eg "The Peoples Republic (sic) Of Chinawhen real combat threatens-and-endangers our "troops".

Frequent, short-term, military actions (ie Which do not bog-down us to one area with limited terrain and climate) do provide that, most necessary, training of benefit to both those directly involved AND those who learn from them.

I hope you will reflect on the above and, perhaps, discuss those ideas with real combat veterans.

Monday, September 07, 2020

The Best Test For New Vaccines

 THE Ultimate Tests Of Vaccines & Parachutes3


  • There are those who demand that any new vaccine (eg Against COVID-19) be subject to such scientific tests as require both "experimental" and "control" groups to provide proofs of both effectiveness and safety.

    I suggest the following and more convincing test.

    That the corporate heads, directors and research-chiefs of companies (Or universities) who put forth such vaccines have them applied to themselves, their mates and (Within any age limits based on law or their research) children and grandchildren AND on such elected or appointed officials who also support any such vaccines. That must be a matter of established public record as immediately known to our fellow Americans.

    Thereafter, the effectiveness and safety of any such vaccine can be established by any positive-or-negative results can be measured by the effects on those persons----And publicly-and-quickly published.

    As we are in a deadly threat from the COVID-19 virus (Or, more accurately, "The WuHan Virus") that condition is very much like being in an aircraft "going down" but with parachutes available. Do we await the full (Scientific) testing of the parachute we put on OR jump to possible-to-probable safety and life.


Friday, September 04, 2020

Questions For Candidate Joseph Biden

 I would like to "press" Candidate Biden with the following questions.

1. Do you admit that it is very highly probable that the Covid-19 virus came out of Wu Han in the "Peoples
Republic (sic) Of China"?
2. Do you admit to the fact that, after that virus erupted in the PRC, its Communist government very severely limited the travel of Chinese citizens within that nation; But, allowed them (Including probably infected persons) to travel to other nations where they began a world wide pandemic?
3. How much money or other "valuta" did your son, Hunter Biden, acquire from the PRC or any of its dependent and controlled organizations during or after his trip with you to the PRC?
4. Are those native born and naturalized Americans, from 18 to 21 years-of-age full citizens of
the United States (ie Possibly not including those serving sentences for felonies)?
5. As such are they entitled to ALL of the protections which should be had under The Bill Of Rights?
6. For such younger AND law-abiding citizens are their individual right to (Buy) keep and bear arms
should be protected no less than law-abiding citizens over the age of 21-years?

Thursday, September 03, 2020

Prophecy: Trump Victory Will Yield Treason & Violence

 At age 82-years I have observed many presidential elections. On the basis of current "numbers", "trends" and observations, as a Prophet, I declare that President Trump will be re-elected.

I also predict that such a re-election will be followed by a greater outbreak of treasonous, violent, terrorist, acts against most Americans by those already now waging war against the United States and to a much greater level of murder, arson and other felonies than even is now inflicted on our fellow, law-abiding, citizens.

The proper, criminal, charge against those critters is TREASON and not any lesser charge (eg "Conspiracy"). If our regular, Federal, courts cannot conduct trials due to a wont of unbiased jurors, those traitors must then be tried by such, very legal, military commissions as were used to try the Assassins of President Lincoln. (<>) 

Those courts-and-judges who would be unable to conduct ordinary trials must NOT be allowed to stop such commissions.

Those who "give aid and comfort" to those traitors are also guilty of "Treason". That includes Members of The Congress (Who, by law, have NO especial protection from such a charge) and present-and-past presidential candidates.

Of course, our governments must then immediately use any (Including lethal) level of force to put those animals into custody OR destroy them. If, and only if, our governments will not take such immediate and 
effective actions, it becomes the right-and-duty of members of "The General Militia Of The United States"
(ie All law-abiding citizens, over 18 years-of-age, capable of bearing arms) to do so---And improve both
the average human genome in the USA and the common good of our Republic.

Even at my age and with my physical limits I will assist in any such liquidation of traitors.
                    IN RE PRODITORES CADETE EOS