Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Self-Defense Protocols

The below and like protocols are legal and, for a free people, required in the face of any acts by others which "represent a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm" to (Innocent) others OR are reasonably perceived as such.

1. From the FBI---"Two to the chest and one to the head".
2. From the SAS/SEALS--- "A double-tap to the head".
3. From the "Old Sarge"---"Four inches with the point, twist and rapidly repeat two times".
4. From me--"Thrust the full length of  a pencil or pen or thumb into the eye".
5. And too many, often with improvised weapons, other means to put-down dangerous thugs..

The only insurance that an attacker or bully or other tyrant is no longer a danger is when s/he has stopped breathing.

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