Tuesday, June 02, 2020

The Real Freedom Marches

The real "freedom marches" are those demonstrated by those marching:
1. To (When open) schools and libraries or home-computers (For on-line schooling) to obtain that-knowledge and those-skills as will elevate those above such persons who desire that instant-gratification as is so typical of infants
and criminals; And,
2. To (If not destroyed by thugs) their places-of-employment to honestly earn those monies as allows them to support self-and-dependents AND provide real pride-in-self and the respect of families-and-friends.

These are the real freedom marches as allowed those other people-of-color (From India, Japan, Korean and China) and traditional Jews to bring themselves out-of-poverty and above (Still existent in such places as Harvard
University) bias and maltreatment.

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